Gold NNAS Award – The Learning Outcomes
Navigation in the countryside using skills of the first two levels, but adding techniques and skills for dealing with complex contour features large and small. The Gold Award is delivered as separate Gold Award Training and Gold Award Assessment courses.
- Show confidence in the use of the skills detailed for the Bronze and Silver awards in open countryside, forests and hill environments
- Demonstrate the use of contours, to identify landforms (e.g. hilltops, valleys, spurs, re-entrants and knolls) and utilise them as the prime method of navigation.
- Demonstrate the use of ridges and valets as reliable handrails and the size and relationship of contour features, (e.g. a series of knolls) and use them for micro navigation to specific locations.
- Demonstrate the use of distance judgement, compass skills and continuous contact (by frequent checking) in complicated areas. This involves the use of the map to ground and ground to map techniques, the selection of appropriate techniques for each situation and the integration of these into a navigation strategy.
- Demonstrate the ability to plan a safe walk or route in open country in line with set criteria of duration, difficulty and objectives. This must involve ‘Gold’ skills and strategies and may be used by the candidate for practise to assessment if appropriate.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the special physical and navigation demands posed by hill and moorland terrain, poor weather conditions, daylight hours and the effect of fatigue and discomfort on decision making and execution of a selected route. This includes awareness of the effects of heat and cold.
The Gold Assessment can be taken after a period of consolidation and your Gold Trainer will advise you about your own personal training plan at the end of your Gold Training course.
Progression of participants
Participants may enter the scheme at any Level Bronze, Silver or Gold depending on their experience, though it is anticipated that most will start at the basic Bronze level and progress as far as motivation, hard work and ability can take them. Whatever the final level achieved, assessors should emphasise to candidates the necessity for constant practice and attention to fitness levels so as to maintain the level reached.